2.Capital flight is a movement of financial assets out of a country. 「資金潛逃」是指人們在經濟情勢不佳時出脫股票或債券,將資金撤出市場的舉措。「潛逃」一詞不用escape,而是用flight。
3.After studying all the data, the researcher reports that the swallows of an economic spring are appearing. 研究過所有資料之後,研究員指出景氣的春燕來了。
4.The US dollar is regarded as the key currency. 「基礎貨幣」指的是國際貨幣中最具影響力的貨幣。「基礎」別直譯成basic,應該用key當形容詞,意指「重要的、基本的、關鍵的」。
1.The new president announced that the value of the currency goes down. 新任總統宣布貨幣貶值。
這種震撼是因為以前 講錯太多英文,自己完全不知道,己經錯了十幾年。
5.When studying in graduate school, Michael took a bath on the stock market. 大筆金額不用big形容,可以用lost a large sum of money或是金融專用詞take a bath。take a bath原意是「去洗澡」,在金融圈則有「損失慘重」的意思。
1.The new president announced a currency devaluation. 與其落落長地說the value of the currency goes down,不如用一個簡單的devaluation代替。
3.After studying all the data, the researcher reports that the green shoots of an economic spring are appearing. 談到景氣回春,我們常用「春燕」來表示,但英文裡正確的用語是green shoots(綠色幼芽)。
4.The US dollar is regarded as the basic money. 美金被視為基礎貨幣。
喔,原 來這樣講才對!
2.The escape of a capital is a movement of financial assets out of a country. 資金潛逃是指金融資產流向國外。
5.When studying in graduate school, Michael lost big money on the stock market. 麥克還是碩士生時,就在股票市場中遭逢重大損失。
3.After studying all the data, the researcher reports that the swallows of an economic spring are appearing. 研究過所有資料之後,研究員指出景氣的春燕來了。
4.The US dollar is regarded as the key currency. 「基礎貨幣」指的是國際貨幣中最具影響力的貨幣。「基礎」別直譯成basic,應該用key當形容詞,意指「重要的、基本的、關鍵的」。
1.The new president announced that the value of the currency goes down. 新任總統宣布貨幣貶值。
這種震撼是因為以前 講錯太多英文,自己完全不知道,己經錯了十幾年。
5.When studying in graduate school, Michael took a bath on the stock market. 大筆金額不用big形容,可以用lost a large sum of money或是金融專用詞take a bath。take a bath原意是「去洗澡」,在金融圈則有「損失慘重」的意思。
1.The new president announced a currency devaluation. 與其落落長地說the value of the currency goes down,不如用一個簡單的devaluation代替。
3.After studying all the data, the researcher reports that the green shoots of an economic spring are appearing. 談到景氣回春,我們常用「春燕」來表示,但英文裡正確的用語是green shoots(綠色幼芽)。
4.The US dollar is regarded as the basic money. 美金被視為基礎貨幣。
喔,原 來這樣講才對!
2.The escape of a capital is a movement of financial assets out of a country. 資金潛逃是指金融資產流向國外。
5.When studying in graduate school, Michael lost big money on the stock market. 麥克還是碩士生時,就在股票市場中遭逢重大損失。
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